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Technical Q&A QA1633

Creating easy-to-read links to the App Store for your applications and company

Q:  How can I create easy-to-read links to the App Store for my applications and company?

A: How can I create easy-to-read links to the App Store for my applications and company?

iTunes generates URLs for all applications and companies available in the App Store by right-clicking/control-clicking the company or application name. These URLs look something like Listing 1.

Listing 1  Standard App Store Links.


These URLs are great for linking to your application or company page in the App Store from your website or inside your application, or anywhere you don't need to type or speak the URL.

You can also manually create speech and print friendly URLs to your applications and company page by using itunes.com links instead.

Additionally, there is a known issue (r.7414684) where itunes.apple.com links to your company's page do not open the App Store from within your application, giving an error instead; these links include "viewArtist" or "/artist/" in the URL, for example,

http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewArtist?id=290596339 or


The itunes.com URLs described below are a viable alternative.

There are three types of itunes.com URLs:

  • Company Name


    for example, http://itunes.com/apps/smule

  • Application Name


    for example, http://itunes.com/apps/ocarina

  • Application by Company


    for example, http://itunes.com/apps/smule/ocarina

Most companies and applications have a canonical itunes.com URL. This canonical URL is created by changing or removing certain characters (many of which are illegal or have special meaning in a URL (for example, "&")).

To create an itunes.com URL, apply the following rules to your company or application name:

  • Remove all whitespace

  • Convert all characters to lower-case

  • Remove all copyright (©), trademark (™) and registered mark (®) symbols

  • Replace ampersands ("&") with "and"

  • Remove most punctuation (See Listing 2 for the set)

  • Replace accented and other "decorated" characters (ü, å, etc.) with their elemental character (u, a, etc.)

  • Leave all other characters as-is.

Listing 2  Punctuation characters that must be removed.


Below are some examples to demonstrate the conversion that takes place.

Company Name examples

  • Sega => http://itunes.com/apps/sega

  • ngmoco, Inc. => http://itunes.com/apps/ngmocoinc

  • Chen's Photography & Software => http://itunes.com/apps/chensphotographyandsoftware

Application Name examples

  • Ocarina => http://itunes.com/apps/ocarina

  • Watchmen: Justice is Coming => http://itunes.com/apps/watchmenjusticeiscoming

  • Brain Challenge™ => http://itunes.com/apps/brainchallenge

  • Spanish Class 2 - Bueno, entonces... ¿qué pasó con el cinco? => http://itunes.com/apps/spanishclass2buenoentoncesquepasoconelcinco

All URLs are accessible worldwide and will direct the customer to their respective country's App Store. Because of the possibility of name conflicts or other errors, URLs which have multiple results, for example <http://itunes.com/apps/airhockey>, will return a search page. Using unique names for your applications will help prevent this.

If you experience incorrect results (for example, a URL which doesn't go where you expect it would) or if there are characters you would like to see removed or changed, please file a bug report via <http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter> with the following information:

  • Full current or desired URL, for example, http://itunes.com/apps/mysuperapplication

  • Applicable countries

  • The iTunes-generated URL you get via right-click/control-click (for example, http://itunes.apple.com/us/app...) to the desired landing page

These itunes.com URLs are provided as a convenience and are not guaranteed to link to a particular application or company. Be sure to test your URLs before using them in any marketing or other public materials. If there are naming conflicts, continue using the standard itunes.apple.com URLs, which contain a unique numerical identifier within the URL.