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EC2로 git 서버 구축하기 1. AWS에서 EC2 instance를 만든다. (ubuntu로 진행)2. sudo su3. apt-get install git4. 다음 명령어로 git 전용 사용자 계정을 만든다.# useradd -m -d /home/git -u 1005 git5. git 계정으로 shell에 접속하는 것을 막기 위해# usermod -s /usr/bin/git-shell git명령어로 git의 /bin/bash를 /usr/bin/git-shell로 바꾼다.6. /etc/shells 파일의 마지막 줄에 '/usr/bin/git-shell' 을 추가한다.7. 다음 명령어로 COMMAND_DIR 환경변수에 해당하는 디렉토리가 존재하도록 한다.# cd /home/git# mkdir git-shell-commands# ch.. 더보기
AWS PHP SDK 설치과정(S3 파일 업로드 등) 요약:1. Compatibility 확인https://github.com/amazonwebservices/aws-sdk-for-php/tree/master/_compatibility_test/2. ssl 지원하는 curl 깔기:sudo apt-get remove --purge php5-curl && \ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev curl-ssl php5-curl3. APC 설치:apt-cache search apc로 검색하여 설치(php-apc)4. 나머지 component들도 비슷하게 설치... AWS SDK for PHP PHP Environment Compatibility Test (CLI)----------------------------------.. 더보기
SES 이용하여 메일 보내기 PHPMailer – Amazon SES IntegrationOlder NewsRecent News20.12.2011 20 responsesNewer NewsHello World,This time we have come up with a very easy to use solu­tion to inte­grate Ama­zon SES with everyone’s favorite PHP­Mailer library and you are free to use it any­way you want. [ Thanks to the power of GNU LGPL license ] The solu­tion is a slightly mod­i­fied ver­sion of PHP­Mailer with an Ama­zon S.. 더보기
postfix를 이용하여 메일을 다른 계정으로 포워딩하기 Postfix Forward Email To Another Email Accountby VIVEK GITE on JUNE 3, 2009 · 10 COMMENTS· last updated at JULY 1, 2009I've multiple virtual domain hosted on CentOS Postfix server. How do I forward selected virtual domain email to yahoo / gmail or other email account using Postfix email server? Postfix can be configured as mail forwarding domains server using virtual_alias_maps settings. There a.. 더보기
디스크 채우기 테스트(대용량 파일 생성) dd if=/dev/zero of=filename bs=$((1024*1024)) count=$((10*1024))뒤의 (10*1024)는 10GB.5*1024로 바꾸면 5GB... 더보기
[mhddfs]여러 disk 하나로 mount 하기 FUSE coolness with mhddfsPosted by alj on 24 May 2010, 11:22 amLet’s say you have three disks but you wish to share with Samba or NFS clients.Of course you could just mount the disks on three separate mount points and export those. Or you could mount the three disks on three mount points inside the same directory and export the parent directory. The problem with both solutions is you have to “ba.. 더보기
SES 사용법 및 스팸 지정 방지 Using Amazon SES in Python with Postman and PostfixArticles & Tutorials>Amazon SES>Using Amazon SES in Python with Postman and PostfixEmail can be challenging to set up correctly for high-quality delivery, but this article helps you through the process so that Amazon SES does the heavy lifting, leaving you with the energy to focus on building great software.DetailsSubmitted By:Craig@AWSAWS Produ.. 더보기
Sending Email from EC2 Instances 다음 사이트를 참조: http://www.practicalclouds.com/content/guide/sending-email-ec2-instances Sending Email from EC2 InstancesSubmitted by Dave McCormick on Sun, 09/04/2011 - 19:11Tags:amazon awssmtppostfixdkimSPFantispamvirus checkingclamAVspamassassinamavisSASLTLSSending email can be hard...Sending email from Amazon EC2 instances is not as simple as it looks, most organisations will regard your emails .. 더보기
Ubuntu에 postfix 설정하기 다음을 참조: http://jonsview.com/how-to-setup-email-services-on-ubuntu-using-postfix-tlssasl-and-dovecot BLOGABOUTCONTACTARCHIVESPROJECTSSUBSCRIBEJon is a tech enthusiast and entrepreneur living in Colorado. More »Jon's ViewJon Stacey's life with technologyHow To: Setup Email Services on Ubuntu Using Postfix (TLS+SASL) and DovecotMARCH 26, 2009 · 58 COMMENTSHere is a guide on getting Email services r.. 더보기
[Mysql] 외부에서 mysql에 접근할 권한 주는 명령어 > GRANT ALL ON *.* to root@'(원격 IP 주소)' IDENTIFIED BY '(root 암호)';> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; *INSERT나 UPDATE, DELETE문을 이용해서 MySQL의 사용자를 추가,삭제하거나, 사용자 권한 등을 변경하였을 때, MySQL에 변경사항을 적용하기 위해서 사용하는 명령어가 flush privileges 더보기